Dear UCANN members,
In preparation for a forthcoming edition on interdisciplinarity, we would like to invite you for an online/in person interview on teaching in an interdisciplinary context. With this interview, we seek to understand how integrated interdisciplinarity is in the teaching practises at University Colleges.
This research is being conducted by Jonah Franke-Bowell, John Nagler, Anton Schwenzer & Natália Mikulášová at University College Groningen. Your responses will be confidential and used only for this research. We expect the interview to take no more than 45 minutes of your time.
If you are interested in participating, please email John Nagler at to arrange a time and place that suits you.
Yours sincerely,
Jonah Franke-Bowell, John Nagler, Anton Schwenzer & Natália Mikulášová