We – Monika Foster and David Killick – of the University of the West of Scotland are contacting you because we are seeking Case Studies for a book on Developing Intercultural Learner Relationships in universities. We are particularly interested to hear about practical work which is being done to help students of diverse cultures to build learning relationships together. Depending on context, this may be work with students of different nationalities, ethnicities, religions, genders, or cultural backgrounds. We have already collected a number of excellent proposals from institutions in many countries which have a particularly strong history of recruiting international students (for example, the UK, USA, Australia), and we are now reaching out to find examples from other global contexts. If you are interested in this opportunity to showcase your own practice in the forthcoming book, or know of colleagues in your institution who might be interested, please email us (monikakfoster1970@gmail.com) for the Call for Global Case Studies. Initially, we ask for a 200 word summary by 1st September. The full case study of 1,000 words will be due by 1st December.
Call for edited volume on intercultural case studies
By Chris Muller|2021-10-02T19:30:21+02:00August 22nd, 2019|Categories: Events|Comments Off on Call for edited volume on intercultural case studies