Home Forums Research Let’s talk about grants!

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  • Avatar photoDavid Zetland
    Post count: 8

    What grants have worked for you? Which ones are you curious about?

    How much does your organization “take” for overhead, etc.? What about “buying out” your teaching obligations?

    Let’s talk!

    Avatar photoPascal Wilhelm
    Post count: 6

    At UCT-ATLAS, local UT grants have been obtained (on challenge-based learning) and some are considering going for a Comenius. Curious to know what else is out there.

    Avatar photoRoberta Haar
    Post count: 2

    At UCM, we have had success at the European and Dutch level, with Horizon European, NWO grant and Comenius successes. Last academic year we brought in 5 million euros worth of funding for future projects. The key point it that UCs have great research potential. We have passionate teachers, who are often equally passionate about researching their topics.

    Here is a little example of passion turning into funded research: https://www.remit-research.eu

    Avatar photoPascal Wilhelm
    Post count: 6


    Avatar photoAnonymous
    Post count: 3

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